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The Importance of Treating Fungal Toenails

The Importance of Treating Fungal Toenails

It’s wise to treat a fungal toenail infection as soon as symptoms appear; an established toenail infection is much more difficult to treat. Infection usually develops slowly and over time causes your toenail to thicken, distort, and change color. Without treatment, the infection can spread to other toenails. 

A foot and ankle specialist like David E. Biss, DPM, is the right person to see when you’re dealing with toenail fungus. Don’t ignore it if you notice signs of a fungal toenail because it won’t resolve on its own. Here’s why it’s necessary to act quickly at the first sign. 

Prevent pain and discomfort

Fungal toenail infections often start off mild — a small white or yellow spot under the tip of your toenail. However, as the infection goes deeper, it can cause your toenail to discolor, thicken, and develop crumbling edges. 

This can lead to pain and discomfort, especially when wearing shoes or walking. Treating the infection early can prevent these symptoms from worsening, helping you maintain your daily routine without pain or discomfort.

Reduce spread to other toes 

Fungal infections are highly contagious. Without proper treatment, the fungus can spread to other toenails, the skin on your feet (athlete's foot), and even other people. 

Shared environments like showers, locker rooms, and swimming pools can become hotspots for transmitting the infection. By treating fungal toenails promptly, you can protect not only your health but also that of those around you, preventing the spread of infection.

Avoid health complications

For individuals with diabetes or weakened immune systems, fungal toenail infections can lead to severe complications. Diabetes can cause reduced blood circulation and nerve damage in your feet, making it harder for your body to fight infections and heal. 

A minor fungal infection can quickly escalate, potentially leading to serious foot problems and, in extreme cases, the need for amputation. Timely treatment of fungal toenails is therefore critical in managing your health and preventing potential complications.

Promoting overall foot health

Addressing fungal toenail infections encourages better foot hygiene and health practices. Getting treatment prompts a closer examination of your foot care routine, leading to improvements that can benefit your overall foot health. 

Regular foot inspections, keeping your feet clean and dry, and wearing breathable footwear are just a few habits that can help prevent future infections.

Beyond the physical discomfort and health risks, the appearance of fungal toenail infections can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness, leading you to avoid activities you enjoy, like swimming or wearing open-toed shoes. Treating the infection restores the healthy appearance of your toenails.

The importance of treating fungal toenails extends far beyond aesthetic concerns. It's about safeguarding your health, comfort, and quality of life. If you suspect you have a fungal infection, schedule a visit with Dr. Biss for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

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