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Bunions Specialist

Concord Podiatry

David E Biss, DPM

Podiatrist located in Concord, NH & Plymouth, NH

If you’ve got a big, bony bump at the base of your big toe, it’s likely a bunion. If it causes pain, reduces your movement, or prevents your shoes from fitting, seek treatment from experienced podiatrist David Biss, DPM, at Concord Podiatry in Concord and Plymouth, New Hampshire. Dr. Biss can diagnose this common condition and help you find relief. Call the office nearest you, or use the online booking agent to seek treatment for bunions.

Bunions Q&A

What are the symptoms of a bunion?

Bunions cause a noticeable bump on the inner edge of your foot. You may have a bunion if you experience:

  • Swelling or soreness around your big toe joint
  • Persistent pain at your big toe
  • A bulging bump or redness at the base of your big toe

You may also develop a bunionette on the outside of your foot, near the base of your little toe. That can cause pain, and a hard callus may form over the inflamed area. A bunionette, also known as a tailor’s bunion, is smaller but just as painful as a bunion.

What causes bunions?

A bunion is caused by the shifting inward of the bones in your big toe. Factors that encourage this shift include:

  • Genetics
  • Foot injuries
  • High-heeled or too-narrow shoes
  • Certain types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid

Bunions usually start out small and increase in size and severity with time, especially if you don’t take steps to alleviate them or seek treatment. 

It’s crucial to have a suspected bunion examined by a podiatrist so they can distinguish it from arthritis or gout. Dr. Biss may order an X-ray of the area and perform specific blood tests. He also performs a thorough exam, reviews your symptoms, and discusses your medical history with you.

How are bunions treated?

Dr. Biss may advise you to choose roomier shoes and wear over-the-counter bunion pads or orthotics to alleviate pressure. Some anti-inflammatory medications, icing, and steroid injections also help reduce pain.

When conservative treatments don’t alleviate your pain, Dr. Biss may recommend surgery to reposition the toe. The procedure may involve removing the swollen tissue or a section of the bone.

Other surgical tactics include rearranging the connective tissue to help keep it properly aligned or fusing the bones of your affected joint.

Surgery is only necessary when a bunion interferes with your quality of life. It requires several weeks, and even months, of recovery time. After surgery, you’ll likely need to adjust your habits and choose wider shoes to prevent a recurrence.

For expert care of bunions, call Concord Podiatry, or book an appointment online today.